Ok so I have a huge issue with women's sizes these days, not just in clothes but in shoes as well. I guess my main question is if every brand is different then why are there even sizes to begin with? Just last week I got a new pair of Levi's & they are a size 6, just like the Levi's before them and they fit just fine...well I go to Old Navy the other day & I couldn't even get the size 6 over my knees so I thought they were mis-marked so I grabbed another pair & the same thing happened. How is this even happening is what I thought to myself, but when I really thought about it, the size 6 dress pants I have for work from Victoria's Secret require a belt or they sag too much, but the size 6 from Penney's fit perfect, no belt required. My largest concern was that with the top & the (hot ass) dress I bought from the Navy I was still a small, so why are their tops accurate & their bottoms so inaccurate? In all reality, if a store is going to mis-size their women's clothing why wouldn't they go the other way? Had the 6 been huge & I needed a 4 instead then guess what? That's right, I'd shop their all the time! Instead I refused to go to an 8 and I did not buy jeans, I still spent money but they lost a sale of 1 item.
In the spirit of clothes not fitting, either my feet have shrunk or shoe sizes have also changed. I'm a size 6, however the last 5 or 6 pair of shoes I have purchased from Payless have been 5 1/2's & the fantastic gay boy working at JC Penney informed me that the Jr's designers make their shoes funny for some reason. I purchased 2 pair of size 6 shoes there from the same designer & 1 fit perfect & the other required all kinds of foot pads to make them fit...so that blows that explanation out of the water! Basically my question(s) is, why within the USA are all sizes for shoes, and clothes not exactly the same no matter what designer you are & furthermore, why can't we just buy our jeans like men? I need a 28 waist, 2.5 inch rise, 30 length slight flare leg please, voila, they fit!
1 comment:
I find that Old Navy isn't even consistent within season. Sometimes I wear a 6 in one pair of Capris, and in the same dressing room can't fit on a 6 in the next pair of capris.
I've found Banana Republic to be very consistent on sizing. I've also learned that if there are too many heavily reduced pants on the clearance rack, they are probably missized.
I feel like a dump at Target because I always wear a size or two larger than I normally would.
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