"I Calls Em Like I Sees Em!"

May 9, 2008

TV since the strike

Hey all, so I assume that you have returned to watching your favorite TV shows since the strike ended. I was very excited to get the Office , Grey's, Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, HIMYM, and 2 & a Half Men back. In the last few weeks of watching the above mentioned shows it has occurred to me that some of them I really didn't miss & now that I'm watching them I don't even know if I like them anymore. So you really can't lose with the Office but I have to say that these newer episodes really haven't been that great, I'm wondering if some of the writers just never came back because you only get 1 or 2 LOL moments instead of the constant laughter that was normally coaxed out of me. As for Grey's, I've been saying since the beginning of the season that I have no idea why I'm even still watching it & to be perfectly honest, I think I would like it if Grey left the show. Her & McDreamy's constant back & forth is so annoying, I can't stand it & then I hear that they are supposed to get back together for good at the end of this season, why? So they can break up next season, how stupid! I don't think she's attractive at all and she always sounds like her nose is stuffed & he's so cute...it's just a bad match & I really do think that after this season I may just write it off & I really don't think I'm the only one. Now DH is the same as it always has been, unreal, hokey, lame, and I still love it for the unrealness of the whole thing. B&S is still good, I'm thrilled that Justin & his former sister will probably hook up because even though they were siblings for a while I wanted them to (does that make me sick or just psychic?) so I can't wait to see what unfolds there! My Monday sitcoms are still making me laugh so I currently have no complaints about those but I'm wondering how much longer Men will run since the boy isn't cute anymore, he's a kid, a teenager I think & well, the crap he says just isn't that funny anymore. I think if they got him off the show it could take a totally different funnier direction with the brothers out and about trolling for ladies. Well, those are my thoughts on TV since the strike, and hopefully the finale's of all of these shows will be good enough to bring me back next season.

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