Anyway, the basic synopsis is 2 lesbians who used the sperm of the same man (via sperm bank) to both get pregnant & now the kids are grown, daughter is off to college soon & son is 15. The son wants to know who his dad is so he asks his sister to find out since she's now 18 & legally can look into it so she does & the father is Ruffalo & he still lives close by so they go & meet him. When the moms find out about it they aren't the happiest but do what they can to welcome this turn of events & this change to their family dynamic. The moms, the kids, and the donor all have to figure out how to coexist & of course run into road blocks but along the way this movie is freaking hilarious! It's not solely a comedy but it's a great balance of heart & humor & I highly suggest this movie to everyone though your basic homophobic guys won't like it & the pervs...well, there's no major girl on girl action so don't expect it. I would totally give this movie 3.5 out of 4 olives!!

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