Ok people, I don't get it...I'm always hearing how "hunky" Jake & Tobey are & honestly I've never understood because I wouldn't give either one a second look! So this weekend I watched Brothers
while I was laying around not feeling so hot & I thought that maybe I'd see it when I watched this movie since I've really only seen Tobey in the Spiderman
movies & I know Jake best from The Good Girl
& Brokeback Mountain
& he wasn't attractive in either one. Well, I watched the movie & it was good but there wasn't even a brief second where I found either one of these guys attractive so seeing Natalie Portman all in love with Tobey & then having iffy feelings for Jake was just so unrealistic to me. It wasn't so bad that it ruined the movie but I did find myself saying "gross" a couple times when she would be staring longingly into Tobey's eyes. Tobey looks like a mouse & Jake looks like a goofy sitcom star, there you go, that's my opinion & I'm sticking to it. It's like this whole Ryan Gosling obsession...he's so ugly & all of these woman fawn over him because he was in The Notebook? That movie wasn't all that so why should he be?

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