Juno what I think?
I think the movie Juno was fantastic & most everyone I know would also agree. I saw it in the theater when it was out & fell in love with it immediately. It recently came out on DVD so I ordered a copy and after work yesterday I rushed home to watch it. Actually I was so excited to watch it I almost left work an hour early but didn’t after I realized that I shouldn’t waste my personal time although, that is totally something personal but whatev. So, I get home, I cook up a tasty, somewhat healthy dinner of chicken sandwich, soup, salad, and cheese and I eat that while watching 90210 and then I quickly do the dishes, jump in my pj’s, arrange the remotes & chaise so that I don’t have to move and I begin the movie. I’m chilling there watching the opening credits and then about 10 minutes into the movie I realize that I’m smiling & have been since the movie started. I think it’s pretty sad that something as simple as a movie about a 16 year old getting knocked up is the highlight of my day…shit, week! After watching the whole movie and noticing things I missed the first time, and then watching most of the bonus features it occurred to me that I really did love this movie, even more than I thought & I honestly could have started it right over from the beginning and watched it again. Now, my friend Candice was the first to see this & told me that she totally thought of me when she saw it (which I found odd since I’m neither 16 nor pregnant) and when I saw it the first time I totally got what she meant. After watching it the 2nd time it was even more clear as to why she thought of me, or at least I think it was. The main character Juno is very detached from the baby & I hate kids, she’s witty & funny as am I, she sees the brighter side of things as do I, she uses words that only her awesome friends understand as do I, and she’s cute! So, for those of you who haven’t seen it I suggest you do & for those of you who did see it, if you didn’t like it you just aint right & if you loved it as much as I did then pick up a copy on DVD & enjoy the movie again and again. I see this movie being the new Swingers or Clerks or Dirty Dancing of its time, an instant classic if you will.
1 comment:
Really? I didn't think it was that good. I thought all the characters (except Bleaker) were annoying (no offense, but it obviously didn't remind me of you since i don't find you annoying)
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