"I Calls Em Like I Sees Em!"

May 13, 2008

Awful Song

Obviously other people must like this song because I hear it a lot but what is with the "No Handle Bars" song by the Flobots? First of all it sounds just like Weezer (whom I prefer not to listen to) I thought it was Weezer, but second of all it's stupid, totally stupid. I looked them up online today to see what they are all about & they are a big band & they described themselves as "having a sound that explores and expands the frontiers of live hip-hop" ok, what about that song is hip hop may I ask you? I haven't listened to any other music of theirs but my guess is I never will, that song makes it hard for me to give them another chance. I will however recommend Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl", if you haven't heard it check it out, it's pretty rockin & very catchy!! I often find myself singing it when I'm cleaning at home so I hope I'm not roaming around at work or in public singing out loud "I kissed a girl and I liked it", I'd never get a date...well, not the kind I'm looking for :)

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