In the last few weeks I've seen a few movies, not as many as usual since I was in Florida & busy with actual social activities but here's what I thought about them.
First we have Love Happens which appeared to be a comedy in the previews but after seeing Jen on Chelsea Lately I knew it wasn't a comedy at all. Sure, it had comical moments but it was a somewhat depressing drama about a guy who had lost his wife & is a Tony Robbins type of speaker & author of a self help book titled "I'm OK" or something to that effect. Anyway, the guy (Aaron Eckhart) meets Jen in the lobby of the hotel he's working at & she's the flower lady. She owns a local flower shop & anyway...they start hanging out & through the movie they both realize plenty about each other, themselves, and the people around them. I enjoyed the movie for it's sorrow & the fact that these 2 people getting together wasn't really the primary focus of the movie as we learned a lot about the other characters who were also in it. This is definitely not a guy movie but I'd suggest it to the typical chick flick kind of girl.
Next we have Taxi Driver which I've had saved on my DVR for over a year & finally decided to watch it. This movie left me extremely the past I'd seen the beginning of it which grabbed my interest so when I saw it coming on HBO I recorded it for later. Overall I thought the movie was boring, it was a lot of build up with an "as-if" ending. I thought De Niro was great in the movie as was Jodie Foster but the movie itself was kind of pointless. A cabby who hates the scum of NYC yet looks at it non-stop; all I kept thinking was "why in the hell would someone who hates the scum of NYC drive a cab & have said scum in their face all the time". Like I said, I liked the acting, I enjoyed being in De Niro's head since he was a complete & total whack job & of course the classic "you talking to me" but aside from all of that it was blah, I wouldn't watch it again, it's too slow for my liking.
Third we have Ghost Town with Ricky Gervais, Tea Leoni, and Greg Kinnear which I picked up as my free rental to go with the last movie I'll review. This looked kind of funny in the previews when it was in the theater so I figured for free why not? Well I'm glad I picked it up, Gervais is freaking funny so you can't really go wrong with a movie he's in and while the movie had it's boring points it was actually quite funny. If I laugh out loud I consider something funny & I did LOL a few times during this one. Basically Gervais plays a dentist who hates people, hates talking & just loves his peace & quiet until he starts seeing ghosts. He's the only person who can see them so the ghosts start harassing him all the time & he wants nothing to do with them except Kinnear who convinces him to help with his wife he left behind (Leoni) so on goes the story & Gervais starts to fall for Leoni (shocker I know) and on goes the story which ends sweetly. I don't want to say anymore or I'll give it away.

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