So, did everyone get the chance to check out Sex & the City over the weekend? Me & the girls decided to posse up & hit the theater opening night. The movie was jam packed with girls & gays, it was fantastic & the energy was super high among all who were anxiously awaiting the start of the movie. We had cosmos before we went & a couple of us packed our flasks so we could continue the party during the movie (don't tell the theater) and it was such a great idea! I talked to some other folks & I guess we weren't the only ones who had thought of it, my friend Katie saw the movie in AZ & in the middle of the movie heard an empty champagne bottle hit the floor, cheers to that! So anyway, some of the ladies were all dressed up as their favorite SATC gal while the rest of us were in our work gear for the most part, which luckily is kind of dressed up. So on to my review of the actual movie...I have to give it 4 olives, my highest rating, not because it was the best movie ever (which it wasn't) but because it was exactly what I expected & wanted from the movie. It was happy, funny, loving, sad, angering, just a lot of emotions running wild throughout which is very similar to the show & while some people said they thought the movie was nothing like the show I felt like I was watching a really long episode. It took me right back to the days when we all collect at someone's house & watch it. I was all smiles when it started & all smiles when it ended but I honestly didn't think it would have a happy ending, I kind of hoped it wouldn't because that would tell me that there was a chance for another movie. I certainly hope their is, but knowing that Smith wouldn't be in it makes me kind of sad, since he is so hot! If you haven't seen it yet, don't read on.
I'm so happy that Carrie ended up with Big & I have to say her blowout at him in the middle of the street was great but Charlotte stole that scene with her evil look followed by the mom "no" & you could see the fear in his face, it isn't usually Char who acts that way so it was great to see. Having Stanford & Anthony no longer hating each other & seeming to be friends was great as was knowing that the Brady-Hobbes family still had Magda in their lives. Louise was a nice addition to the cast I thought, she was very refreshing & her love of love gave Carrie hope I think. Now Carrie's outfits for the most part were really cute, but she had a couple of hideous get ups going on. The leggings with the 80's purple & black top was AWFUL! The damn bird on her head for her wedding was just ridiculous & her admitting it was even worse. I have to say that 2 of my favorite parts were Miranda's bush & Charlotte shitting herself after she's so careful eating nothing but pudding cups & oops, opens her mouth in the shower! Seeing that Carrie still had the same cell phone & it was all duct taped up was a riot, not surprising though since she always was so technologically inept & obviously that hadn't changed one bit. So I'm glad John & Carrie finally got married so I hope they make another movie so we can see how they progress & if they become a family & also, how Samantha will screw her way through her 50's now that she is single again.