So Jessica Alba had her baby & named her Honor, it’s cute but she’s just asking for tons of ridicule throughout her life, especially during high school. Once the thought of sex makes its way into the lives of her & her little friends she’s going to hear tons of “get honor” remarks such as “yeah, Honor was there, honor knees that is” get it? Anyway, I’m sure she’ll be really pretty which will only make it that much more fun to make fun of her & her name. Anyone who watches Living Lohan knows that even celebs & children/siblings of celebs get made fun of. Poor Ali was being harassed during a block party during last night’s episode, kids were screaming at her & chasing her & attacking her with shaving cream while asking if she was going to rehab too just like her sister. I felt bad for her but I couldn’t stop laughing either, it’s just so hard to feel bad for rich celebs who sign up for a reality show, they are kind of asking for it.
Speaking of children can we please discuss this Gaiken child? None of this situation makes any sense & all of the situation points directly to the fact that Clay is gay! So just over a year ago Clay told People that he wanted to be a dad really bad & now he is going to be one, but not the way you think…he didn’t have sex with the 50 year old woman who will be the mother of his child. He donated his goods & she was inseminated. I have about a million problems with this whole thing. First of all, she is almost twice his age & while age isn’t important I think it will be when mom is trying to raise a newborn & cope with menopause all at the same time. I understand that she has never had kids, but why not have them with a man your own age, or with nobody at all? The whole thing sounds like some random drunken night…for some reason these 2 people are hanging out (probably at a Broadway play) and they have 1 too many & she says “I always wanted to be a mom” & he says “me too” so they just decide right there to have a baby. Apparently she announced it to all of her friends at her 50th birthday party, I’m guessing there was some shock & then when she said who the dad was a major burst of laughter until they realized she wasn’t joking. Now I’m not saying that they will be bad parents, I’m just saying…”come out already”!!!!
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