So, I heard (from Perez Hilton) that Madonna & Guy are splitting up. Apparently Madge already hired Paul McCartney’s attorney, why I’m not sure…she didn’t get him very far, maybe she should have hired Heather Mills. From what I recall there is no pre-nup involved here & let just say, Mo is worth a crap load of cash & while Guy isn’t exactly hurting for money I’m sure he’d be more than happy to take half of hers, I know I would! I also assume that she will be returning to the states to live & ditching the English accent. I don’t understand the accent deal, my parents have lived in the south now for 5 years and they don’t have any twang going on, so how did Mo pick up her sometimes accent? I mean, she’s always on tour so I would think it would be difficult to pick up anything more than jet lag. I’m assuming things stopped working out because she won’t calm down, she is always on tour or recording or flying around adopting kids & I just think Guy would like more time to get drunk in pubs & relax with his family. Not that there is anything wrong with either choice, but they obviously don’t mesh. Well kids, looks like Madonna just might be the hottest bachelorette of 2009!!
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