"I Calls Em Like I Sees Em!"
Jan 16, 2009
Stress, Stress, and More Stress!!
So my work had to let 11 people go this week due to the economy & fortunately I was not one of them, however some of my favorite people were :( Learning this information was very upsetting to me and I have been stressed out all week about it but today I started noticing the effects of this change. See, every change has to start with me and lets just say that the word overwhelmed is a complete understatement in relation to my work load. I have been busting my ass all week to try to make this transition easier for everyone but I'm starting to feel like nobody else really cares. I understand that those who are leaving don't care but those who have to stay and continue to work in these soon to be minimal size conditions are acting like "I survived so screw it". People keep turning in new work & then wanting to know why it isn't getting done right away like it was last week...well folks, it's kind of hard to deal with new information when I have to remove loads and loads of old information from about 8 different destinations. It doesn't help that my department was cut down to 2 from 3 (my work husband was let go which made me sad) so not only do I have to do my job but I have to learn another job so I can take half of it over when he leaves, yay! I know in a couple months everything will be back to normal & we will have adjusted to the changes but for now...every week is hell week!!!!! I am very thankful that I am still employed but I'm not thankful for all of the added stress this is bringing to my life. It feels better to vent, thanks for reading.

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the fact that you care and your fellow survivalists don't, just make you more valuable if additional cuts come. hang in there.
I wish that's how it worked. I was one that was cut. I showed up every day on time and completed my work within the deadlines. I even went further by doing extra things that were not asked for. But the company didn't care how much of an asset I was to them...
I call shenanigans dude!!! I don't think it's fair either nor do I see FAIR logic behind the decision.
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