So last spring at work we stopped using styrofoam cups to help save the environment & we (those of us who care) decorated our own coffee mugs. Yesterday I walk into the kitchen & my mug is in the sink freshly used & soaking. I'm like what the hell is this shizz, isn't the point of decorating our own mugs to make them our own? I thought my mug was pretty clear & it isn't like we have a lack of blank mugs for everyone to use so why must someone feel the need to use mine? Were they just too lazy to move mine aside & grab the blank one behind it or are they just such a total jerk that they enjoyed using my mug? Perhaps I should lick my mug before putting it back in the cabinet, that would teach em, or at least make me happy knowing that they are drinking my spit with their coffee. Anyway, I've attached a photo to illustrate the mug & why I don't understand how anyone could be confused by the fact that it's mine. So I just have to ask, who does that?

"Perhaps I should lick my mug before putting it back in the cabinet, that would teach em, or at least make me happy knowing that they are drinking my spit with their coffee."
Be careful, this could be the reason the culprit is using it.
lol, gross!!!!
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