"I Calls Em Like I Sees Em!"

Jul 16, 2008

Brian's B-Day

So yesterday was Brian's birthday so the crew posse'd up and headed out to Joey's comedy club in Livonia to see our friend Billy and the rest of the Motor City Improv crew perform. Dudes, we laughed so hard during the show, it was great. There was some open mic action going on beforehand that was so/so...some were good, some not so good, but I have to give them credit, I don't think that I could get up there. Since it was B's big day he was of course brought up on stage during part of the improv action, while most of his answers sounded like pregnant woman's cravings it was a riot. The guys were hunting cactus & when they would need a word they would tap Brian & he would fill in the blank with something random, I have a video of it that you can check out at Detroitr that's about 30 seconds long. It's at the very end of his stint up there :)
If you are ever in the mood for something fun to do on a Tuesday this is totally worth it (they do it every week)! The tix were $5 and they had $3.00 22 oz. Labatt & Bud Light's so for $11 I had a great time. A night of fun & cocktails with friends is rarely that cheap!

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