So, not only were Todd & Melissa’s dogs annoying to sleep with their male Caesar eats everything…like seriously everything and the package it came in. Wendy & I went to dinner Thursday night for like an hour & when we returned Caesar had eaten 80% of a package of makeup sponges, half a stick of brand new deodorant and the lotion part of 2 Intuition razor refills! While I was at work that same day he ate 2 donuts along with the bag they came in & the napkins that were inside, leaving no trace of any of it. Todd informed me that prior to their departure he ate T’s birthday candles as well as the package they came in too, at least he doesn’t discriminate.
Other than dealing with all of these animals I had a fun weekend. Saturday afternoon Wendy & I went to the Huron Applefest in New Boston & we ate a ton of food & then stopped by my aunt Gloria’s house & got some fresh canned goods (yum) and headed home. We hit up Mexican Fiesta for dinner & ritas & then went to Howell’s to meet up with our dear friend Mike who was up from Chicago for a wedding of a “friend” and it was so good to see him, it had been quite some time!! We hung out with Mike & Jorge & this other guy (can’t spell his name) and then Jen & Brad arrived & we all shot the shit for a bit & guzzled a few beers before heading home. I slept in on Sunday & then met Wendy & Paul for some lunch & beers at Bailey’s and then finally around 5:30 on Sunday I got HOME!!! My SATC extended DVD was waiting for me in my mailbox so I watched that right away & then relaxed the rest of the night at home. I’m thoroughly enjoying being home, but will have to head back to Dearborn Friday after work to watch Zoey for the weekend. Thankfully Doug gets back on the 15th & I currently plan to remain on lockdown at home the weekend of the 24th.

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